viernes, 17 de octubre de 2014


If we think hobbies as things we like to do, i have some activities i frequently do, but I don’t use a lot of time in developing these. For example, I like to read, I can read all day, but not every day.  
I like to read novels and poetry, over all classics and Latin-American authors. Now I want to read ‘Los detectives salvajes’ by Roberto Bolaño, but with the university it’s difficult to found the space of time to read something different of academic texts.

I like to draw too, it’s a relaxing activity, it could be something abstract, or animals, but human body is the hardest theme to draw (but also the most interesting), I have some draw books with some drawings, it’s weird to see it after long time.

When I was in school, I was in the theatre academia, where I was just one year and a half, but I learned a lot of this art and some artists of drama and acting. Also, to act is an activity very difficult, but very beautiful, because make a scene involve an soul state or an exhibition of your own sensibility what results a challenge, and when the spectators can see that and maybe feel it, that’s a satisfaction very strong.

Another thing I do in my daily life is participate of scout movement, but I don’t judge it like a hobby, it’s a lifestyle, an educative movement, from you can get along with another people, hopefully at nature, with the idea of “Leave this world a little better than you found it”.

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2014

How green are you?

I might confess I’m not very green (environment-friendly), or maybe my vision about the ecology is not about the actions that we can do, it’s about a lifestyle.
Obviously, each act counts, the recycle is one of the most important things, but here in Chile, specifically in Santiago, we haven’t got a good (or green-efficiently) system for the residue treatment. Firstly, we should have some division between the different materials that are able to recycle (like glass, paper, metal and plastic), the organic waste and the general waste, whit which you cannot do anything (I think, I don’t know).
On the other hand, some local governments have this initial division, but we can doubt about the treatment of those materials, because the recycle industry is limited in Chile, maybe it isn’t beneficial for business people.

But the question is ‘How green are you?’ and I can say I’m green because I use the public transportation, I avoid using plastic bags, I throw waste in trashbins (and not on the street) and I like nature (I visit regularly parks.) But, being self-critical, I don’t separate the recyclable waste, I don’t know recycle-points, I don’t like to reuse some stuff because I prefer buying another one, and a long etcetera.

I want to finish this post stating about some changes (what we have to do) depend on us, and other ones might be a responsibility of the authorities of our country, because we need a system which supports every little help, contributing to the recycling circle.

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2014

Friday afternoon

Ok. If i didn't have english class in the afternoon, i could to do a lot of things.
I don’t want to say that I don’t like English classes, because I like to learn this language, but I think that all we prefer to do another things a Friday afternoon, and specially in this warm day.
I want to see a lot of friends, but in my disorganised life that’s very difficult. Today I wanted to see some friends playing football soccer, meeting with a friend that I don't see in a long time. Moreover I ‘ll go to a friend’s house, to prepare some stuffs ‘cause tomorrow we’ll go to Manquehue Hill, and it’s not like to just go and climb a hill, you need to prepare yourself, to get hydrated, to have a good health and rest the day before. In spite of everything, I will do that things, but it’s complicated to organise your social life from six o’clock in the evening.
And, for all who had class at summer, like us, we know the difficulty to study in warm days. Probably the only thing that you expect is to drink a cold beer, a melon with wine, a soft-drink or to swim in a cold swimming pool. That’s the reason because the summer holiday exists.

Hey, I’m not saying that I want vacations (again); it’s just a dream of a warm day.